
Friday, August 19, 2011

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Take a Course at Stanford University From Anywhere...For Free

We keep taking steps toward "education, anywhere, anytime" (like Khan Academy) that shatters the old model, infrastructure and bureaucracy of higher-education, so it's only fitting that a Stanford University course on the Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (CS221) is taking a bold step to make their course available to anyone...for free.

You won't get college credit unless you are a Stanford student (although you can get a certificate of accomplishment), but you don't need to fill out some fancy application, know someone special or eat dorm food (unless you want to).

If you want to learn real knowledge about artificial intelligence, it's up to you (no pun intended). Professors Sebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig will be your guides. Watch the videos above and below, learn more details and sign-up here or follow them on Twitter or read the course syllabus.

Hopefully, these type of courses will soon become the rule, not the exception, where the best knowledge is easily available to everyone.

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