
Monday, April 19, 2010

Baby Nephew | Talking Volcanos and Airplanes

This weekend, I went to a brunch where there was a very high-level discussion about the world's important issues, met some fascinating people and had a great time, but then checked my iPhone on the way out and realized there was a text message reminding me about a BBQ I was supposed to attend, which of course, meant a chance to see my baby nephew (Rayyan).

Usually, I don't get a chance to chat with the little guy too much because he sleeps a LOT, but this time, he not only stayed awake, but as I sat next to him, he just kept looking at me and trying to have a conversation of some type, so being the good uncle, I told him about lots of stuff going on...tried to explain what volcanos were about and why airplanes in Europe were affected by the eruption in Iceland.

I know...he's a baby, he's not going to remember all this until he reads this blog post a few years from now, but when he does, just want to let him know that of all the interesting conversations I had that day, his was the best and I appreciate his genuine interest and undivided attention :)

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