
Thursday, September 1, 2011

7 Tech Innovations for the Future

Tom Uglow, a Director at Google's Creative Lab in London, told the NEXT conference in Denmark to look for the following 7 tech innovations for the future (as reported by TNW):

1) Eye-tracking to target ads: A device would track your eye movements on the screen as you used the Web, and serve up ads relevant to exactly what you were reading at that moment.
2) Ads as apps: HTML5-powered banners ads that are actually Web apps in themselves, performing functions that help a user in some way relevant to the advertiser.
3) Ad network loyalty programs: Ads will become even more personal and exclusive.
4) User-led ‘advertainment’: Online ads could become stories that would unfold at the users’ pace.
5) User-focused microdonations systems: Charitable donations for small amounts can become substantial if the barrier to donation is reduced by making it easy to do, increasing the number of people who donate.
6) Personal data streams about your body: Gadgets such as your mobile phone will provide you with automated information – your pulse, temperature, location, blood sugar, and the like, pushed to you as you need it.
7) Geolocation and time-based arts: The arts sector will begin using technology in new ways to enable mobile participation and new forms of drama. For example, theatres could use near field communication and GPS to enhance their performances and influence the way they’re presented to individual audience members.

I agree with all of them (some more than others), but I would just add for #7 that sports has significant potential with technology to be more interactive with the fan during the game.

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