
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Visionaries | Sean Parker

As the impact of Steve Jobs on technology, culture and life continues to resonate, there's finally some appreciation for people who are visionary, the crazy ones with big ideas, who don't follow the rules, disrupt the status-quo and change the world.

While people with expertise in this or that, with this or that degree or credential are helpful, it's the game-changers, the people who can see what others can't see so easily, that are the most valuable people to any company.

So, who are the visionaries out there who have that entrepreneurial passion, don't settle, stay hungry, stay foolish and keep pursuing cool ideas?

Sean Parker is clearly one of them, even though he's been unfairly portrayed in the movie, The Social Network about the early days of Facebook.  Watch the video above for Sean's discussion at Web 2.0 in San Francisco.

As one of the founders of Napster, the first President of Facebook, experiences with Plaxo, Causes, recently joining the board of Spotify and now a co-founder of social video startup Airtime with Napster co-founder Shawn Fanning and CTO co-founder Joey Liaw, he keeps going, keeps changing things and, as illustrated and explained with the cover story of Forbes, he's constantly thinking ahead.

Given my own crazy little startup experience (the Olympic Bid), I like people who think ahead and don't follow everyone who says you can't do this or that.

>Read the Forbes cover story - Sean Parker: Agent of Disruption

>Learn about the new startup Airtime via TechCrunch

Steve Jobs encouraged people to think different, so it's good to know there are visionaries like Sean Parker continuing to change the world...

1 comment:

Monica said...

Well, it takes a visionary to know one, so you are obviously one as well.

One bright side of the death of Steve Jobs is that hopefully our society will start recognizing the incredible value of visionaries.

Thanks Sean Parker for your part!