
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Making a Difference - One App At a Time

When the iPhone was first launched by Apple (just a little over five years ago), it changed how we viewed a phone, but when apps were introduced, it really unleashed opportunities to change your life and the world.

While there's a lot of attention to apps that are popular, there are thousands of apps that do simple, but very life changing things.

As illustrated by Apple's video above, what if you could guide a blind man to walk with an app?

Make it easy to show 3D models of anatomy for children across the world in a small school room?

From the iPhone to iPad to Google's initiatives with smartphones and tablets, the world of potential app users continues to expand.

The world has an endless source of problems and need to change the world.

Fortunately, there's a lot of people developing apps for that.

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